Special Ceremonies Tours
African Cosmology (Shrine) Tour

This experience is for individuals and groups interested in African religion and spirituality. The African concept of God, libation; the highest form of prayer are discussed.
Selected shrines in Elmina (Akan) will be visited, interacting with a Priest/Priestess, learn about traditional herbal healing, the different deities and their functions in the community and the Universe.
*Experience a full session of traditional worship and the accompanying drumming and trance dancing (optional). At least 2 days advance notice should be given.
Akan Naming Ceremony
Participate in an authentic ceremony to acquire a Ghanaian Akan name. Know what is in a name; learn its meaning and significance in our traditional belief systems. Observe all the necessary traditional rituals that come with naming and re-unite with your African family. You will be given a certificate bearing your newly acquired Ghanaian Akan name.
Cape Coast and Elmina Castles Journey
- Tour with a professional guide
Visit with a professional guide, gain much insight into the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade that spanned 400 years (1600 -1900). Walk through the very Dungeons where African captives were held before becoming slaves in the Americas and Caribbean, the “Door of No Return” and more.
- Tour + Rites and Rituals; (atonement, wreath laying, libation, welcoming with drumming and dance)
Going beyond a tour with a professional tour guide, this comes with more Ancestral connectional rites and rituals in the castle locale and Dungeons.